Why did the new settlers create missions?(1 point)


to make Native Americans work the land and pay taxes

to teach Native Americans how to farm the land

to make Native American nations become friends with other nations

to help Native Americans learn Spanish

and convert to Christianity

statement please

The new settlers created missions to help Native Americans learn Spanish and convert to Christianity.

To determine why the new settlers created missions, we need to understand the historical context and the motivations of the settlers. The most effective way to find reliable information about this topic is by conducting research using credible sources such as historical texts, articles, academic papers, or primary sources.

First, try searching for books or articles that discuss the colonization of the Americas and the establishment of missions. You can search online library databases, such as JSTOR or Google Scholar, using relevant keywords like "missionary settlements in the New World" or "Spanish colonization and Native American missions."

Once you have gathered some relevant sources, read through them to examine the intentions and objectives of the settlers who established these missions. Look for evidence and accounts that shed light on why they were created. Pay attention to the historical, cultural, social, and economic factors that influenced the settlers' decision to establish missions.

By analyzing these sources critically, you should be able to identify the primary reasons behind the creation of missions by the new settlers. Remember to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and provide a well-rounded understanding.

Please note that different authors and historians might present varying perspectives on this topic, so it is important to consider multiple viewpoints and interpretations.