Anna mixes the letters S, E, L, E, C, T, E, and D thoroughly. Without looking, Mary draws one letter. Expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage, what is the probability that E will NOT be the letter Mary selects?

A. 3/8, 0.375, 37.5%
B. 8/5, 1.6, 16%
C. 5/8, 0.625, 62.5% ***
D. 8/3, 2.667, 26.667%

To find the probability that Mary does not select E, we need to find the number of letters that are not E and divide that by the total number of letters.

There are 7 letters in total. There are two Es, so there are 5 letters that are not E.

Probability of not selecting E = 5/7

Expressed as a decimal, this is 0.714, which rounded to three decimal places is 0.714.

Expressed as a percentage, this is 71.4%

Therefore, the answer is closest to option C: 5/8, 0.625, 62.5%.