Answer this.

A bag contains 8 red marbles, 4 blue marbles and 7 green marbles. If three marbles are drawn out of the bag, what is the exact probability that all three marbles drawn will be red?

The total number of marbles in the bag is: 8 + 4 + 7 = 19

The probability of drawing a red marble on the first draw is: 8/19

Since the marble was not replaced, the probability of drawing a red marble on the second draw is: 7/18

Again, since the marble was not replaced, the probability of drawing a red marble on the third draw is: 6/17

To find the probability of all three marbles being red, we need to multiply the probabilities of each draw:

(8/19) x (7/18) x (6/17) = 0.0487 or 4.87%

Therefore, the exact probability of drawing all three red marbles is 0.0487 or 4.87%.