Danielle has decided to raise rabbits but has been warned that the number of rabbits she will have will grow very quickly. Danielle started out with 15 rabbits and the function y = 15 • 1.8^x models the number of rabbits she will have after x months. Which graph represents this function?

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I am not able to display or generate graphs. However, I can explain how to identify the graph that represents the function y = 15 • 1.8^x.

The function y = 15 • 1.8^x is an exponential function, which means that the graph will be a curve that either increases or decreases continuously. In this case, since the coefficient of the exponential term (1.8) is greater than 1, the graph will be an upward curve that grows very quickly.

To determine which one of the given graph options represents this function, you can look for the following characteristics:

- The graph should start at the point (0,15) since Danielle starts out with 15 rabbits.
- The graph should be an upward curve that grows very quickly.
- The larger the value of x, the greater the value of y. This means that the curve should become steeper and steeper as x increases.

With these characteristics in mind, you should be able to identify the correct graph that represents the function y = 15 • 1.8^x.