when you plug in a=2-3/25b in the equation a-1.2b=-3, what are you supposed to get?

I got b=-.76, a=2.09 put it all back in and you get 3

no, I mean what do you get when you do this: 2 - 0.12b - 1.2b = -3.

so is that the equation?


If you want to know what b equals follow these steps:

2-0.1b-1.2b=-3 (original)

-0.1b-1.2b=-3-2 (rearrange things)

1.3b=5 (add each side, negatives cancel out)

5/1.3=b (solve for b)


Is this the answer you were looking for?

no, i got 5/132.

what did u you do? I am confused....

why is Angie always posting things????!!!

you are right I misread your equation. It was suposed to be 0.12 not 0.1. In that case your answer of 5/1.32 is correct. (I am assuming you forgot the decimal in your last post.)

I'm posting things cuz i suck at math.

I did:

b= -5/1 divided by 1 32/100
b=-5/1 divided by -132/1
b=5/1 * 1/132

If you substitute 5/132 back into the original equation it doesn't work.

You solved and ended up with


so divide both sides by 1.32 and you get 5/1.32 or 3.79. subsitute it back it in to check your work and it should be correct.