Jerry mixes the letters F, P, M, M, M, F, P, and J thoroughly. Without looking, Amanda draws one letter. Expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage, what is the probability that J will not be the letter Amanda selects? (1 point)

seven-eighths, 0.875, 87.5%
The fraction is 5 over 8., 0.625, 62.5%
one-eighth, 0.125, 12.5%
The term shows 8 over 7., 1.14, 11.4%

The fraction of letters that are not J is 7/8. Expressed as a decimal and percentage, it is 0.875 and 87.5%. Therefore, the correct answer is:

seven-eighths, 0.875, 87.5%

Adam mixes the letters R, E, A, D, I, N, G, S, and A thoroughly. Without looking, Allen draws one letter. Expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage, what is the probability that Allen will not select a consonant? (1 point)

Start Fraction 9 over 5 End Fraction, 1.8, 18%
nine-fourths, 2.25, 22.5%
four-ninths, 0.444, 44.4%
start fraction 5 over 9 end fraction, 0.556, 55.6%

To find the probability of not selecting a consonant, we need to first identify the consonants in the set of letters: R, D, N, G, and S. There are 5 consonants and 4 vowels (E, A, I, and another A).

Therefore, the probability of not selecting a consonant is the same as the probability of selecting a vowel, which is 4/9. Expressed as a decimal and percentage, it is 0.444 and 44.4%.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

four-ninths, 0.444, 44.4%

Suppose you have a drawer full of white, black, and yellow pairs of socks. If the probability of picking a white pair of socks is four-ninths, and the probability of picking a black pair of socks is

start fraction 7 over 18 end fraction, what is the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks? (1 point)
start fraction 1 over 6 end fraction
Start Fraction 5 over 12 End Fraction
Start Fraction 7 over 15 End Fraction
Start Fraction 16 over 27 End Fraction

The sum of the probabilities of picking a white, black, or yellow pair of socks must be 1. Therefore, we can find the probability of picking a yellow pair by subtracting the probabilities of picking white and black pairs from 1:

1 - 4/9 - 7/18 = 1 - 8/18 - 7/18 = 1 - 15/18 = 3/18

Simplifying 3/18 to lowest terms, we get 1/6.

Therefore, the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks is:

start fraction 1 over 6 end fraction

Oh no my parents caught me

I'm sorry to hear that. Please remember to use your device responsibility, and if there is anything you'd like to talk about, I am here to listen.

They said I have to be punished

I'm sorry to hear that. It's important to take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes. I hope that your punishment will help you do that. If there is anything else you'd like to discuss or if you need someone to talk to, please feel free to reach out.

They said they will strip me and whip me as punishment