Which government leader is most likely to change the policies of a public school?

A. mayor
B. president
C. state representative
D. Supreme Court justice

C. state representative

The Electoral College determines the president and vice president. Each state is given two votes in the college, as well as extra seats based on the state’s population. What is the purpose of the distribution of seats?

A. to ensure that the best candidate is elected president
B. to ensure that the president is supported by most citizens
C. to ensure the president represents small and large states proportionally
D. to ensure that the president is chosen by Congress and not popular vote

C. to ensure the president represents small and large states proportionally

Why do United States citizens have civic responsibilities?

A. In a republic, the president can order any citizen to help.
B. In a democracy, every citizen must earn their civil rights.
C. In a democracy, the country is run by all citizens working together.
D. In a republic, the government needs help to understand citizens’ concerns.

C. In a democracy, the country is run by all citizens working together.

The government leader most likely to change the policies of a public school would be the state representative. To understand why, let's break down the roles and responsibilities of each option:

A. Mayor: Typically, mayors are responsible for governing cities and towns. While they may have some influence over local schools, their authority is generally limited to issues of funding or appointing members to the local school board.

B. President: Although the President has significant influence over national education policies, their direct impact on individual public schools is relatively limited. Education policies are mostly delegated to the state and local levels.

C. State Representative: State representatives are elected officials who serve in the state legislature. They have the power to propose, draft, and vote on laws and regulations. Education policies vary from state to state, and state representatives play a crucial role in shaping those policies by proposing and passing legislation that impacts public schools.

D. Supreme Court Justice: The primary role of the Supreme Court justices is to interpret the Constitution and resolve legal disputes. While they have the power to interpret laws related to education, they do not directly change policies of public schools themselves.

Considering the options, it becomes apparent that a state representative would have the most direct authority to change the policies of a public school. They can introduce and pass education-related legislation that can affect various aspects of public school policy, such as curriculum, standards, funding, or accountability measures.