what are resources can be used for learners when learning about common fractions

1. Manipulatives: Tangible objects such as fraction bars, circles, and blocks can be used to help learners visualize and understand fractions.

2. Worksheets: Printable worksheets with exercises on identifying and simplifying common fractions can be helpful for learners to practice.

3. Online Tools: Interactive websites and apps with fraction games, quizzes and simulations can be used for independent learning and to reinforce knowledge.

4. Textbooks: Textbooks can provide learners with a solid foundation on the concepts of fractions, and provide step-by-step instructions and examples.

5. Videos: Online videos or educational TV programs can provide visual and auditory learning for learners, and can aid in the comprehension of complex concepts.

6. Teachers and Tutors: Teachers and tutors can provide individualized instruction, answer questions, and provide specific feedback and support to learners.

7. Peer Learning: Collaborative learning with peers and study groups can improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and can help learners clarify their understanding of the subject matter.