Which of the following groups of people were the code talkers during World War II?(1 point)


African American soldiers who became famous as pilots
African American soldiers who became famous as pilots

women who decoded enemy communications
women who decoded enemy communications

American operatives who led secret missions
American operatives who led secret missions

Native Americans who sent secret messages in their native languages

Native Americans who sent secret messages in their native languages.


You're welcome!

The correct answer is: Native Americans who sent secret messages in their native languages.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the role of code talkers during World War II. Code talkers were individuals who used their native languages to transmit secret messages, confounding enemy forces who were unable to decipher their communications.

To find out which group of people served as code talkers during World War II, you could eliminate the other options that do not match this description.

1. African American soldiers who became famous as pilots: Though African Americans did serve as pilots during World War II in the Tuskegee Airmen, they were not specifically known as code talkers. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

2. Women who decoded enemy communications: While women did play a significant role in decoding enemy communications during World War II, they were not the ones sending secret messages in their native languages. So, this option can be eliminated.

3. American operatives who led secret missions: Although American operatives did carry out secret missions during World War II, they were not code talkers. They performed different roles and were not known for transmitting secret messages using native languages. Thus, this option is also incorrect.

By process of elimination, you are left with the correct answer: Native Americans who sent secret messages in their native languages. They were an invaluable asset to the military during World War II, providing secure and effective communication that helped to protect American forces.