The volume of a sphere is 523.33 in^3. To the nearest inch​, what is the radius of the​ sphere? Use 3.14 for pi.

the radius of the spear is about _____ inches.

4 inches.

The volume of a sphere is 919.98 m^3. To the nearest inch​, what is the radius of the​ sphere? Use 3.14 for pi.

We cannot use 3.14 for pi when working with meters, as pi is a mathematical constant and not dependent on the unit of measurement. Instead, we can use the more accurate approximation of pi, which is 3.14159.

The formula for the volume of a sphere is V = (4/3)πr^3.

We can rearrange this formula to solve for the radius (r):

r = ( (3V) / (4π) )^(1/3)

Plugging in the given volume:

r = ( (3 * 919.98) / (4 * 3.14159) )^(1/3)

r ≈ 10 meters.

To the nearest inch, this is about 393 inches (as 1 meter is approximately equal to 39.37 inches).

The volume of a sphere is 919.98 m^3. To the nearest inch​, what is the radius of the​ sphere? Use 3.14 for pi.

the radius of the spear is about _____ M.

To the nearest metre, the radius of the sphere is about 10 m.

To find the radius of the sphere, we can use the formula for the volume of a sphere:

V = (4/3) * π * r^3

Given that the volume of the sphere is 523.33 in^3 and π is approximately 3.14, we can rearrange the formula to solve for the radius (r):

523.33 = (4/3) * 3.14 * r^3

To solve for r, we can divide both sides of the equation by (4/3) * 3.14:

r^3 = 523.33 / ((4/3) * 3.14)

r^3 ≈ 523.33 / 4.18

r^3 ≈ 125.109

Now, we can take the cube root of both sides to find the value of r:

r ≈ ∛125.109

Using a calculator, we find that r ≈ 5.96 inches (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, to the nearest inch, the radius of the sphere is approximately 6 inches.