Aside from killing native species, what other negative issue might an invasive species present?(1 point)


- Disrupting natural ecosystems and food webs

- Introducing diseases or parasites
- Altering the physical characteristics of habitats
- Impeding human activities, such as agriculture or fishing
- Reducing biodiversity and genetic diversity
- Increasing the risk of wildfires or floods
- Creating economic costs for eradication or control efforts

Aside from killing native species, what other negative issue might an invasive species present?

Aside from killing native species, an invasive species might also disrupt natural ecosystems and food webs, introduce diseases or parasites, alter the physical characteristics of habitats, impede human activities such as agriculture or fishing, reduce biodiversity and genetic diversity, increase the risk of wildfires or floods, and create economic costs for eradication or control efforts.

no, the options are

They might avoid interacting with other organisms.

They might introduce other organisms, like viruses and bacteria.

They might increase the diversity of native species.

They might provide economic benefit.

They might introduce other organisms, like viruses and bacteria.

What happens after coral is bleached?

The coral produces peroxides.

The coral is susceptible to starvation.

The coral dies immediately.

The coral releases algae into the ocean

After coral is bleached, the coral is susceptible to starvation. Coral bleaching occurs when the coral expels the algae that lives in its tissues, causing it to turn white. These algae are crucial for providing the coral with energy through photosynthesis. Without the algae, the coral becomes weaker and more susceptible to disease and starvation. If the bleaching event is severe and prolonged, the coral may die.

The most biodiverse ecosystem in the world is likely a

The most biodiverse ecosystem in the world is likely a tropical rainforest. Tropical rainforests are characterized by high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and dense vegetation that provides homes for an incredible diversity of plant and animal species.

The most biodiverse ecosystem in the world is likely a

cold desert.


coral reef.
