Multiply and simplify is possible.

(3 - √5)(7 - √5)

Using the FOIL method, we get:

(3 - √5)(7 - √5) = 21 - 3√5 - 7√5 + 5

Simplifying, we can combine like terms:

= 26 - 10√5

Therefore, (3 - √5)(7 - √5) = 26 - 10√5.

To multiply and simplify the expression (3 - √5)(7 - √5), we can use the distributive property.

First, let's distribute the 3 to both terms inside the second parentheses:
3(7) - 3(√5).

This simplifies to:
21 - 3√5.

Next, let's distribute the -√5 to both terms inside the first parentheses:
-√5(7) - (-√5)(√5).

This simplifies to:
-7√5 - (-√5)(√5) = -7√5 - (-5) = -7√5 + 5.

Finally, let's combine the two simplified expressions:
(21 - 3√5) + (-7√5 + 5).

This simplifies to:
21 - 7√5 - 3√5 + 5.

Combining similar terms, we get:
26 - 10√5.

Therefore, the simplified form of (3 - √5)(7 - √5) is 26 - 10√5.

To multiply and simplify the given expression (3 - √5)(7 - √5), you can use the distributive property, which states that a(b + c) is equal to ab + ac.

Applying the distributive property, you will multiply each term in the first expression (3 - √5) by each term in the second expression (7 - √5).

First, multiply 3 by 7: 3 * 7 = 21.

Next, multiply 3 by -√5: 3 * -√5 = -3√5.

Then, multiply -√5 by 7: -√5 * 7 = -7√5.

Finally, multiply -√5 by -√5: -√5 * -√5 = 5.

Now combine the terms:

21 - 3√5 - 7√5 + 5.

Simplify by combining like terms:

21 + ( -3√5 - 7√5 ) + 5.

Combine the two √5 terms:

21 - 10√5 + 5.

Finally, combine the constants:

26 - 10√5.

So, the simplified form of (3 - √5)(7 - √5) is 26 - 10√5.