Imagine you are a scientist observing rats in the wild. As the rats reproduce, rats born with white fur slowly begin to outnumber

rats with black fur. In three to five sentences, provide two or more different explanations of why the rats with white fur might be
outnumbering the rats with black fur

One possibility is that the white fur provides better camouflage in the rat's environment, making them less visible to predators and increasing their survival rates. Alternatively, there may be a genetic mutation that causes white fur to be more advantageous in some way, leading to its increasing prevalence in the rat population over time. Other factors impacting gene expression, such as changes in climate or habitat, could also be contributing to the shift in fur color ratios.

One possible explanation could be that rats with white fur have a genetic advantage in their specific environment, making them more likely to survive and reproduce successfully. This advantage could be related to camouflage, making white-furred rats less visible to predators in certain habitats. Another explanation could be that white fur is linked to certain traits that are beneficial for survival, such as increased resistance to diseases or higher fertility rates. Additionally, it is also possible that there could be a random fluctuation in the population, where initially there were more white-furred rats and their numbers simply continue to increase due to chance.