the value of the dependent variable in a function is always the value of the independent variable.

1.determined by
2.greater then
3.equal to
4.less the

3. equal to

1. determined by

say y = 2 x
y = dependent
x = independent
x determines y

Yes, that is correct. In the equation y = 2x, the value of y (the dependent variable) is determined by the value of x (the independent variable) multiplied by 2. So, the value of y changes as the value of x changes.

The correct answer is 3. equal to.

In a function, the dependent variable represents the output or result of the function, and the independent variable represents the input or value that is being manipulated. The value of the dependent variable is determined by the value of the independent variable. So, when we say that the value of the dependent variable is "equal to" the value of the independent variable, it means that the output of the function is directly linked to the input value, and they are the same.