Write the synonyms and antonyms of the following words in the table form.

4, independence
5, freedom

| Word | Synonyms | Antonyms |

| Unify | Consolidate, join, merge | Divide, separate, segregate |
| Desire | Crave, long for, yearn | Abhor, detest, hate |
| Respect | Admiration, esteem, honor | Contempt, disdain, disrespect |
| Independence | Autonomy, self-sufficiency, sovereignty | Dependence, subservience, slavery |
| Freedom | Liberty, autonomy, emancipation | Captivity, bondage, slavery |
| Liberation | Emancipation, release, deliverance | Enslavement, captivity, imprisonment |
| Restore | Renew, reestablish, revive | Damage, destroy, ruin |
| Undivided | Complete, unified, whole | Divided, fragmented, incomplete |
| Reaffirm | Confirm, endorse, validate | Deny, reject, negate |
| Struggle | Fight, strive, contend | Relent, surrender, yield |
| Responsibility | Accountability, duty, obligation | Irresponsibility, negligence, recklessness |
| Cooperation | Collaboration, partnership, teamwork | Conflict, opposition, rivalry |
| Establish | Found, institute, set up | Abolish, terminate, remove |
| Promote | Encourage, support, advance | Hinder, obstruct, impede |
| Resolve | Settle, solve, resolve | Aggravate, complicate, worsen |
| Value | Esteem, prize, treasure | Contempt, devalue, disregard |
| Strengthen | Fortify, reinforce, boost | Weaken, undermine, deteriorate |
| Combine | Blend, merge, unify | Divide, separate, segregate |

| Word | Synonyms | Antonyms |

| unify | unite, merge, integrate | divide, separate, disintegrate |
| desire | want, wish, crave | dislike, repel, detest |
| respect | esteem, admiration, regard | disrespect, disdain, contempt |
| independence | autonomy, freedom, liberty | dependence, subordination, control|
| freedom | liberty, emancipation, release| captivity, bondage, restraint |
| liberation | emancipation, deliverance | captivity, confinement, control |
| restore | renew, recover, repair | damage, ruin, destroy |
| undivided | united, whole, complete | divided, separated, fragmented |
| reaffirm | confirm, validate, endorse | deny, reject, refute |
| struggle | strive, endeavor, wrestle | surrender, yield, give in |
| responsibility | accountability, duty, obligation | negligence, irresponsibility |
| cooperation | collaboration, teamwork, unity | competition, conflict, discord |
| establish | found, set up, create | dismantle, abolish, dismantle |
| promote | advance, encourage, enhance | hinder, discourage, impede |
| resolve | solve, settle, determine | create, escalate, complicate |
| value | appreciate, esteem, treasure | devalue, underestimate, despise |
| strengthen | reinforce, fortify, enhance | weaken, deteriorate, undermine |
| combine | unite, merge, blend | separate, divide, detach |

Sure! Here's a table with the synonyms and antonyms of the given words:

| Word | Synonyms | Antonyms |
| unify | unite, merge, consolidate | divide, separate |
| desire | want, crave, long for | dislike, abhor |
| respect | esteem, admire, honor | disrespect, disregard |
| independence | autonomy, freedom, liberty | dependence, subjugation |
| freedom | liberty, emancipation | captivity, restraint |
| liberation | release, emancipation | captivity, enslavement |
| restore | recover, reinstate | damage, destroy |
| undivided | united, complete | divided, fragmented |
| reaffirm | confirm, assert, uphold | refute, deny |
| struggle | strive, endeavor, battle | surrender, give up |
| responsibility | obligation, duty | irresponsibility, neglect|
| cooperation | collaboration, teamwork | discord, conflict |
| establish | set up, introduce | demolish, abolish |
| promote | encourage, advance | hinder, impede |
| resolve | solve, settle, determine | prolong, complicate |
| value | appreciate, treasure | disregard, devalue |
| strengthen | reinforce, fortify | weaken, undermine |
| combine | merge, join, unite | separate, divide |

Feel free to refer to this table whenever you need synonyms or antonyms for these words!