1.State any five features of a good law .

2. Explain the following
a. Law
b. Order
3. Explain any four benefits of law in a society

1. Five features of a good law are:

a. Clarity: A good law should be clear and unambiguous. It should be easily understood by everyone and not open to multiple interpretations.

b. Consistency: Laws should be consistent and not contradictory. Different laws should not conflict with each other.

c. Flexibility: The law should have provisions for amendment and revision as needed to keep up with changes.

d. Fairness: The law should provide equal treatment to all individuals, regardless of their social status, race, religion, or gender.

e. Enforceability: The law should be enforceable, obeyed, and respected by the citizens.

2. a. Law refers to a set of rules and regulations established and enforced by a governing authority, aimed at maintaining social order and ensuring justice and fairness to all members of the society.

b. Order is a state of peace, stability, and social harmony in the society. It is maintained through the rule of law, respect for others' rights, and the absence of any form of violence, conflict, or chaos.

3. Four benefits of law in a society are:

a. Protection of Rights: The law provides protection to individual rights and ensures that everyone is treated equally under the law, regardless of their social status, providing a sense of security and fairness to all citizens.

b. Maintenance of Social Order: Laws help maintain social order and prevent any form of violence or chaos in the society. It sets standards of acceptable behavior and regulates individual conduct.

c. Promotion of Justice: The law is an essential tool for promoting justice and ensuring that wrongdoers are punished and victims are fairly compensated for any harm suffered.

d. Facilitation of Economic and Social Development: The law provides a conducive environment for economic and social development by regulating market activities, ensuring fair competition, and promoting investment and innovation. It also helps in resolving conflicts and disputes, thereby reducing the cost of doing business.