27. identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence

A. I went to the library books movie, an audio recording
B. I promise to be on time for the art show that I can help sign up the participants
C. I want to learn more about Ireland goodnight classes prefer to study Scotland
D. reading a story, writing a paragraph, and finishing some math problems
28. identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence
A. several new books, albums and DVDs are on today
B. The door is hanging by its Rusty iron hinge, and it may fall at any moment
C. I busy industrious day at work today
D. The lime green wall had not been painted
29. on a works cited page, which of the following should not be in italics
A. title of an article
B. Title of a periodical
C. title of a newspaper
D. title of a non-fictional book

A. Title of an article (titles of articles should be in quotation marks, not italics)

27. The incorrectly punctuated sentence is: A. I went to the library books movie, an audio recording. (The correct punctuation would be: "I went to the library, books, movie, and an audio recording.")

28. The incorrectly punctuated sentence is: C. I busy industrious day at work today. (The correct punctuation would be: "I had a busy, industrious day at work today.")

29. On a works cited page, the title of a non-fictional book should not be in italics. The correct answer is D.

27. The incorrectly punctuated sentence is:

A. I went to the library books movie, an audio recording.

To identify this, we can look at the comma placement. The correct punctuation would be: "I went to the library books, movie, an audio recording." This separates the items in the list with commas.

28. The incorrectly punctuated sentence is:

C. I busy industrious day at work today.

To identify this, we can see that there is no comma separating the adjectives "busy" and "industrious." The correct punctuation would be: "I had a busy, industrious day at work today." This separates the adjectives with a comma.

29. On a works cited page, the following should not be in italics:

B. Title of a periodical.

In MLA format, the titles of periodicals (such as journals, magazines, and newspapers) should be italicized. Therefore, the correct answer is B.