Why did Muhammad retreat to a cave outside of Mecca

He wanted to escape corrupt Meccan society.

He was looking for wisdom from God.

He had been told by an angel to go there.

He was hiding from his persecutors.

C. He had been told by an angel to go there.

Which of the following was a significant event in the spread of Islam

A. The Crusades

B. The fall of the Roman Empire

C. The publication of the Magna Carta

D. The Battle of Tours

E. The invention of the printing press

F. The construction of the Great Wall of China

G. The invention of the wheel

H. The death of Alexander the Great

I. The migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina

B. The fall of the Sasanian Persian empire.

A. A widely used system of numerals (known as Arabic numerals).

A. There were few rivers.

C. The land was mostly desert.

E. The region receives limited rainfall.

D. India divided into smaller kingdoms.

D. The Quran.

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Islam's most sacred text is the Quran.