Convert 478

to a decimal using long division.
A 5.1428575. 142857
B 5.145.14
C 4.8754.875
D 0.875

The correct answer is A) 5.142857.

Here's how to do it using long division:

- Put 478 as the dividend (the number being divided), and 1 as the divisor (the number doing the dividing).
- Write 0. (with the decimal point) above the bar, as this is the quotient so far.
- Divide 1 into 4, which goes in 4 times with a remainder of 3. Write the 4 above the bar, and bring down the 7 to next to the 3 to create 37.
- Divide 1 into 37, which goes in 37 times with no remainder. Write the 37 above the bar, and bring down the 8 to create 48.
- Divide 1 into 48, which goes in 48 times with no remainder. Write the 48 above the bar, and there's nothing left to bring down.
- At this point, we have the result of 4.783 (above the bar) with a quotient of 0. (below the bar). However, since the question asks for the answer to three decimal places, we need to keep going.
- We add a decimal point to the quotient above the bar, and add a 0 below the 8 to indicate the next place value. Now we have 4.7830 above the bar, and 0. below the bar.
- Divide 1 into 78, which goes in 78 times with no remainder. Write the 78 above the bar, and bring down the 0 to create 0.
- Divide 1 into 0, which goes in 0 times with no remainder. Write the 0 above the bar, and there's nothing left to bring down.
- At this point, we have the result of 4.7830 (above the bar) with a quotient of 0.000 (below the bar).
- Divide 1 into 0 (again), which goes in 0 times with no remainder. Write the 0 above the bar, and there's nothing left to bring down.
- At this point, we have the final result of 4.7830 (above the bar) with a quotient of 0.0000 (below the bar). However, the question asked for the answer to three decimal places, so we need to round up the last digit (since it's followed by a 5 or greater) to get 4.783.
- Finally, we add a recurring bar (a line above the six digits that repeat) to indicate that this decimal is non-terminating and repeating. So the answer is 5.142857 (with a line above the six digits that repeat).

Therefore, the answer is A) 5.142857.