True or false: A fair question makes assumptions about the population.

Incorrect answer A. true
Correct answer B. false

Correct answer: False.

A fair question should not make assumptions and should be designed to gather unbiased information about the population. Making assumptions about the population could lead to biased results.

True or false: A fair question makes assumptions about the population.

A. true
B. false

Answer: False

why is it false

It is false because a fair question should not make assumptions and should be designed to gather unbiased information about the population. Making assumptions about the population could lead to biased results. Therefore, a fair question should be neutral and avoid making any assumptions about the population.

Correct answer: B. false

Explanation: A fair question does not make assumptions about the population. Instead, it is designed to gather unbiased information without any preconceived notions or assumptions. The goal of a fair question is to collect accurate and representative data that can be used for analysis and decision-making. To create a fair question, it is important to consider factors such as the wording, format, and potential biases that may be present.