During the late 1900s, where did the majority of population growth in Georgia occur?

The majority of population growth in Georgia during the late 1900s occurred in the metropolitan areas, particularly in and around Atlanta.

During the late 1900s, the majority of population growth in Georgia occurred in the metropolitan areas, particularly in and around Atlanta. Atlanta experienced significant growth during this time, becoming a major economic and cultural center in the Southeastern United States. The city's population boom was driven by various factors, including job opportunities, urbanization, and the development of industries such as technology, finance, and transportation.

To find the answer to your question, we can start by researching population growth in Georgia during the late 1900s. Here's how you can do this:

1. Begin by searching for reliable sources of information, such as government census data, academic publications, or reputable news articles. These sources will provide accurate and verified information.

2. Visit the official website of the U.S. Census Bureau (www.census.gov) and explore their available data and reports. The census is conducted every ten years, so you may want to check the reports for the 1990 and 2000 censuses.

3. Look for population growth data specifically related to Georgia during the late 1900s. This data may include information on the overall population growth rate, population density, and regional variations within the state.

4. Analyze the information and identify any patterns or trends related to population growth in Georgia. Pay attention to the key factors driving population growth, such as economic development, migration patterns, or urbanization.

By following these steps, you should be able to find reliable and comprehensive data on population growth in Georgia during the late 1900s. This information will allow you to determine where the majority of the population growth occurred in the state during that time period.