IC50001 EMP1- Synthesis matrix


In Week 6, you will submit your complete Synthesis Matrix about our topic: Climate change and Business. Reading, understanding and making notes in your own words take time, so you need to start as soon as possible.

1- You must have FOUR reliable academic sources.

2- As you read the sources, make notes in your matrix. Use the template below.

3- Write the source citation (author, date) at the top row

4- Write the reasons for selecting each source (what, who, when, why, how, where, as discussed in Weeks 1 and 2)

5- Write the main ideas/themes for source 1 in the 1st column (vertical)

6- Identify points in common from other sources (about the same main idea) and make notes.

7- Make notes in your OWN
words (do not copy).

Source Citation:

Heede, R. (2014). Tracing anthropogenic carbon dioxide and methane emissions to fossil fuel and cement producers, 1854–2010. Climatic Change, 122(1-2), 229-241.

Reasons for selecting the source: This source provides empirical data that links carbon dioxide and methane emissions to fossil fuel companies and cement producers. The author’s research aims to show the responsibility of these industries in contributing to climate change.

Main ideas/themes for source 1:

- Fossil fuel companies and cement producers have been the largest contributors of anthropogenic carbon dioxide and methane emissions since 1854 until present.
- These industries contributed over 70% of greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial era, indicating that they played a major role in altering the Earth’s climate.
- Short-lived climate pollutants, such as methane, pose a significant threat to the Earth’s atmosphere, and policymakers must address emissions reduction from these industries.

Points in common and notes in own words:

- Source 2 supports the findings in Source 1, stating that a major challenge to mitigating climate change is reducing carbon emissions from fossil fuel companies.
- Source 3 shows that businesses, particularly those in the oil and gas industries, are aware of their role in climate change, but their actions to address the issue are inadequate, lacking transparency and sufficient accountability.

Source Citation:
Steffen, W., Broadgate, W., Deutsch, L., Gaffney, O., & Ludwig, C. (2015). The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration. The Anthropocene Review, 2(1), 81-98.

Reasons for selecting the source: This source provides a historical analysis of human-induced environmental change, focusing on the rapid acceleration of human activities since the mid-20th century. The authors seek to generate a better understanding of the Anthropocene.

Main ideas/themes for source 2:

- The Anthropocene is characterized by unprecedented rates of environmental changes since the mid-20th century.
- These changes are driven by human activities, which have increased significantly, leading to the notion of the "Great Acceleration."
- Managing the Anthropocene requires a paradigm shift in understanding human-nature relationships, recognizing the interdependent relationship between human and natural systems.

Points in common and notes in own words:

- Source 3 also highlights the Anthropocene, noting that businesses have led to significant changes in land use, climate, and biosphere integrity. The authors contend that human activities must be restructured to address environmental sustainability.
- Source 4 also focuses on the idea of "planetary boundaries," arguing that human activities must respect ecological limits to prevent disastrous environmental consequences. The authors suggest that businesses must be redesigned to operate within these boundaries to further sustainability.

Here is an example of how a completed Synthesis Matrix for the topic "Climate Change and Business" could look like:

| Source Citation | Reasons for selecting the source | Main Ideas/Themes from Source 1 | Points in common with other sources |
| Smith, J. (2015). The Impact of Climate Change on Business. Journal of Environmental Economics, 45(2), 123-135. | - Published in a reputable journal (peer-reviewed) | - Climate change poses significant risks to businesses in various sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and insurance. | - Other sources also highlight the risks of climate change for different sectors. |
| Johnson, R. (2017). The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Addressing Climate Change. Journal of Business Ethics, 52(4), 567-578. | - Provides insights into the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in addressing climate change | - Businesses can contribute positively to mitigating climate change through adopting sustainable practices and engaging in CSR activities. | - Other sources also emphasize the importance of CSR in tackling climate change. |
| Thompson, L. (2016). Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Small Businesses. Small Business Management Journal, 35(3), 231-244. | - Focuses on climate change adaptation strategies for small businesses | - Small businesses can implement strategies such as diversification, mitigation measures, and risk assessment to adapt to the impacts of climate change. | - Other sources also discuss the importance of adaptation strategies for businesses of all sizes. |
| Brown, M. (2018). The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Global Supply Chains. Harvard Business Review, 75(1), 89-102. | - Written by an expert in supply chain economics | - Climate change can disrupt global supply chains and lead to increased costs, loss of productivity, and reduced profits for businesses. | - Other sources also highlight the potential economic impacts of climate change on supply chains. |

Remember to make notes in your own words and avoid copying directly from the sources.

To create your IC50001 EMP1 Synthesis Matrix about the topic "Climate Change and Business," you need to follow the instructions provided:

1. Find Four Reliable Academic Sources:
Start by researching and selecting four academic sources on the topic of climate change and business. Ensure that these sources are from reputable academic journals, books, or scholarly websites.

2. Reading and Note-Taking:
As you read each source, make sure to take notes in your synthesis matrix. The template provided should assist you in organizing your notes effectively.

3. Source Citation:
At the top row of your synthesis matrix, write the necessary citation information, including the name of the author and the date the source was published. This will help you keep track of your sources and provide proper credit.

4. Reasons for Selecting Each Source:
For each source, provide a brief explanation of why you selected it. Consider answering questions such as what the source covers, who the author is, when it was published, why it is relevant to your topic, how it contributes to the field, and where the information was presented (e.g., conference, journal).

5. Main Ideas/Themes for Source 1:
In the first column (vertical) of your synthesis matrix, write down the main ideas or themes you find in the first source. These should be the key concepts or arguments presented by the author.

6. Identify Points in Common from Other Sources:
Compare the main ideas or themes from source 1 with the remaining three sources. Look for points of overlap or agreement between the sources. Make notes of these common points in the appropriate cells of your synthesis matrix.

7. Use Your Own Words:
When making notes in your matrix, ensure that you express the information in your own words. Avoid direct copying and paraphrase the ideas using your understanding and language.

By following these steps, you will be able to create a synthesis matrix that effectively summarizes and compares the information from the four academic sources on climate change and business.