Your bumper car is travelling at 2m/s. The total mass of you and your car is 350kg. a 90kg person is in your path. You crash into him and he falls into your car (so it is a perfectly inelastic collision). What is your new speed in m/s ?

We can use the conservation of momentum principle to solve this problem. Before the collision, the total momentum of the system (you and your car) is:

p1 = m1*v1 = 350 kg * 2 m/s = 700 kg*m/s

where m1 is the total mass and v1 is the initial velocity. After the collision, the person joins the system and the mass becomes:

m2 = m1 + mperson = 350 kg + 90 kg = 440 kg

The final velocity of the system can be calculated using conservation of momentum:

p1 = p2

m1*v1 = m2*v2

(350 kg * 2 m/s) = (440 kg) * v2

v2 = 1.59 m/s

Therefore, your new speed after the collision is 1.59 m/s.