Claim: People have many voting options if they can’t get to the polls on Election Day.

Evidence: People can cast their ballot early or by mail.

In 1–2 sentences, evaluate the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence in the argument above to determine if the claim is or is not convincing.

(2 points)

The evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claim that people have voting options if they can't get to the polls on Election Day, as it mentions two specific options that are widely available. Therefore, the claim is convincing.

The evidence given in the argument is relevant as it states two voting options available to people who can't go to the polls on Election Day. However, the sufficiency of the evidence is limited as it only mentions early voting and voting by mail, leaving out other possible voting options such as absentee voting or proxy voting.

The evidence provided is relevant and sufficient to support the claim that people have voting options if they can't get to the polls on Election Day, as it mentions two alternatives - early voting and voting by mail - that allow individuals to exercise their right to vote without physically going to the polls.