Which of the following is an organism?

the human heart
the flower petals of a rose
a colony of ants
an oak tree

D. an oak tree

Ricin poisoning, where proteins on the plasma membrane bind to the ricin molecules, is an example of what?

passive transport
active transport
transitive chemistry

B. active transport

To determine which of the options is an organism, we need to understand what an organism is. An organism is a living entity that has a distinct existence, such as animals, plants, and microorganisms. It is capable of carrying out life processes independently.

Now, let's evaluate each choice based on this definition:

A. The human heart: The human heart is an essential organ of the human body, but it is not considered an organism on its own. It is a part of a larger organism, which is the human body. Therefore, option A is not an organism.

B. The flower petals of a rose: Flower petals are not independent living entities. They are part of a larger organism, which is the rose plant. Hence, option B is not an organism.

C. A colony of ants: A colony of ants consists of individual ants working together as a unit. Although each ant is a living organism, a colony of ants is considered a superorganism. It can exhibit complex behaviors and functions as a coordinated entity. Therefore, option C is an organism.

D. An oak tree: An oak tree is an independent living entity and meets the definition of an organism. It undergoes various life processes, such as photosynthesis, respiration, and reproduction. Therefore, option D is an organism.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option C, a colony of ants, and option D, an oak tree, as they both fit the definition of organisms.