A lack of consensus----- often compromises treatment plans a. On the actual target problem b. Regarding the perspectives of informants c. Among different research data d. On attributions

b. Regarding the perspectives of informants

The individual who was initially credited with the development of the transactional model was a. Bandera b. Beers c. Same roof d. Bell

d. Bell

Which of the following is not part of the forebrain? A. basal ganglia b.cerebrum c. Reticulated activating system d . Amygdala

c. Reticulated activating system is not part of the forebrain. It is part of the brainstem.

The answer to the question can be found by identifying the option that describes the lack of consensus that compromises treatment plans. Here is how you can approach each option:

a. On the actual target problem: This option suggests that the lack of consensus compromises treatment plans because there is disagreement about the actual problem that needs to be addressed. However, this option does not specifically mention treatment plans, so it is less likely to be the correct answer.

b. Regarding the perspectives of informants: This option implies that there is a lack of agreement among different individuals involved in the treatment planning process, such as healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers. If these individuals have different perspectives on the best course of treatment, it could lead to compromised treatment plans. This option is a plausible answer.

c. Among different research data: This option suggests that the lack of consensus stems from conflicting or contradictory research data. If there is no agreement among different scientific studies or sources of evidence, it could make it difficult to develop effective treatment plans. This option is also a plausible answer.

d. On attributions: This option refers to the lack of consensus on attributions, which means there is disagreement on assigning causes or responsibility for the problem or condition. While attributions can influence treatment plans, this option is less directly related to compromising treatment plans as compared to the previous options.

To determine the correct answer, you would need to evaluate options b and c. Consider which option is more likely to be a significant factor leading to compromised treatment plans.