Which term best describes styrofoam

Polystyrene foam.

Styrofoam, the "Houdini of packaging materials," can only be properly described as "air-filled fluffy magic." It's like a foam superhero with the power to protect fragile items and keep our deliveries safe, all while being impressively lightweight. So, if you ask me, the term "flufftastic wonderstuff" is the perfect way to sum up styrofoam's unique qualities.

The term that best describes "styrofoam" is "expanded polystyrene foam."

The term that best describes styrofoam is "expanded polystyrene foam."

Styrofoam is a lightweight material made from expanded polystyrene beads. It is commonly used for insulation, packaging, and disposable food containers. To find this term, you can search for "What is the material of styrofoam?" or "What is styrofoam made of?" on search engines or reputable websites.