What do authors use to keep readers engaged and convey tone?

1 point
sentence structure
point of view
word choice

Which statement best describes bias?

1 point
the type of sentence that contains both a dependent and independent clause.
the prejudice or opinion that authors may put into their writing
the feeling associated with a specific word
the reason an author is writing about a subject

The prejudice or opinion that authors may put into their writing.

Authors use multiple techniques to keep readers engaged and convey tone in their writing. Four common strategies that authors utilize for this purpose are sentence structure, point of view, perspective, and word choice.

1. Sentence Structure: Authors carefully arrange sentences to create rhythm, pacing, and tension. They may use short, simple sentences to maintain a fast and urgent tone, or long, complex sentences to build suspense or contemplation.

2. Point of View: The point of view, whether it's first-person, second-person, or third-person, influences how readers perceive the story and its characters. Different points of view can create a sense of intimacy, objectivity, or distance, affecting the reader's emotional engagement with the narrative.

3. Perspective: Authors often show events and characters through a specific perspective. This can be an individual character's viewpoint, a collective voice, or an overarching narrator. Different perspectives offer diverse insights and emotional impact, allowing readers to connect with the story on various levels.

4. Word Choice: The specific words an author chooses greatly impact the tone and engage the reader. Authors can use vivid and descriptive language to create sensory experiences, employ figurative language like metaphors and similes to enhance imagery, or select words with connotations that evoke specific emotions.

To keep readers engaged and convey tone effectively, authors usually combine these techniques, often adapting them to suit the genre, plot, and desired impact. The mastery of these elements contributes to a compelling and immersive reading experience.

Word choice.