helppp The points scored by a football team are 17, 23, 15, 21, 7, and 13. What is the range?(1 point)

The range is 16.

To find the range, you need to subtract the lowest value (which is 7) from the highest value (which is 23).

23 - 7 = 16

The graph shows the number of members of the Math Club from the years 2015 to 2021. Find the range.

(1 point)

Without the graph, we cannot provide the range. Please provide the graph or the data represented in the graph.

A poll is conducted to determine who is most likely to win the election for town mayor. Two random samples of 500 residents each are polled. The data is as follows.

Candidate A Candidate B Total
Sample 1 346 154 500
Sample 2 248 252 500
What percentage of the total polled residents would vote for Candidate A as the town mayor?

The total number of residents polled is 1000 (500 in Sample 1 + 500 in Sample 2).

The total number of residents who would vote for Candidate A is 346 + 248 = 594.

To find the percentage, we can use the following formula:

percentage = (part/whole) x 100%

In this case, the part (number of residents who would vote for Candidate A) is 594 and the whole (total number of residents polled) is 1000.


percentage = (594/1000) x 100%
= 59.4%

Therefore, 59.4% of the total polled residents would vote for Candidate A as the town mayor.

To determine the average height of trees in a national forest, 10 trees are randomly selected. Their heights in feet are 85.4, 87.6, 87.1, 85.6, 85.9, 85.3, 84.9, 83.7, 84.0, and 85.2. To ensure the accuracy of the data, another set of 10 trees is randomly selected. Their heights are 87.1, 88.0, 84.2, 85.3, 86.5, 84.2, 83.2, 84.1, 85.2, and 87.3. What is the difference between the mean heights of the trees of these two random samples?(1 point)

Here are the math quiz scores for Student 1 and Student 2.

Student 1: 75 80 84 79 92 86 88 86 86 90
Student 2: 83 85 91 93 72 85 76 80 82 89
Find the range of each student’s math quiz scores. Based on the range, which student performed more consistently on their math quizzes?

(2 points)
The range of Student 1’s math quiz scores is
. The range of Student 2’s math quiz scores is
. Based on the range, Student
performed more consistently on the math quizzes.

The range of Student 1's math quiz scores is:

92 - 75 = 17

The range of Student 2's math quiz scores is:

93 - 72 = 21

Based on the range, Student 1 performed more consistently on their math quizzes as their range is smaller than that of Student 2.

The numbers of miles Ron biked are 31, 35, 49, 32, 45, 29, 33, 28, and 40.

Determine the range of this data set.(1 point)

To find the range, we need to subtract the smallest value from the largest value in the data set.

The smallest value is 28 and the largest value is 49.


Range = Largest value - Smallest value = 49 - 28 = 21

Therefore, the range of the given data set is 21.