Write a discord logger webhook in python.

As an AI language model, I cannot access external resources or write code, but I can provide you with a general structure for writing a Discord logger webhook in Python.

1. Set up a Python environment with the necessary dependencies. You will need the requests library to make HTTP requests to the Discord webhook.

2. Create a Python file and import the requests library.

import requests

3. Define the Discord webhook URL where you want to log the messages.

webhook_url = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/12345678901234567890/abcdefghijklm'

4. Define a function that sends a message to the webhook using the requests library.

def send_webhook_message(message):
payload = {'content': message}
response = requests.post(webhook_url, json=payload)

This function takes a message as input, creates a dictionary with the message as the `content` field, and then makes a POST request to the webhook URL with the JSON payload.

5. Use the `send_webhook_message` function to log messages in your application.

send_webhook_message('Hello, world!')

This example logs the message "Hello, world!" in the channel associated with the webhook URL.

Note: Depending on your needs, you can modify the JSON payload to include additional fields such as a custom username or avatar. You can also use other HTTP methods such as PUT or DELETE to update or delete messages in the channel.