Keisha surveyed a group of people to find their age and their shoe size. She then graphed the order pairs (age, shoe size) for each person. Which of the scatter plots most likely represents her graph?

Scatter plot I shows points approximating a line decreasing from the upper left to the bottom right.
Scatter plot I I shows points with no approximate pattern.
Scatter plot I I I shows points approximating a line increasing form the bottom left to the upper right.
A. Graph I
B. Graph II
C. Graph III

It is impossible to determine which scatter plot represents Keisha's graph without more information about the data she collected.

just gimme the answer

The answer is impossible to determine without more information about the data Keisha collected.

To determine the most likely scatter plot that represents Keisha's graph, we need to understand the relationship between age and shoe size based on the given information.

In scatter plot I, the points show a pattern of decreasing from the upper left to the bottom right. This would mean that as age increases, shoe size decreases. So, if Keisha's survey results show that younger people tend to have larger shoe sizes, scatter plot I would be the most likely representation.

In scatter plot II, the points have no approximate pattern. This would suggest that there is no correlation between age and shoe size. So, if Keisha's survey results show that age and shoe size are not related, scatter plot II would be the most likely representation.

In scatter plot III, the points show a pattern of increasing from the bottom left to the upper right. This would mean that as age increases, shoe size also increases. So, if Keisha's survey results show that older people tend to have larger shoe sizes, scatter plot III would be the most likely representation.

Based on these explanations, we can conclude that the most likely scatter plot that represents Keisha's graph is:

C. Graph III