What had weakened the Inca empire before the Spanish conquered it?

drought and famine

an earthquake

disease and war

a volcanic eruption

C. disease and war

C. Disease and war weakened the Inca empire before the Spanish conquered it.

The weakening of the Inca empire before the Spanish conquered it can be attributed to a combination of factors. One of the most significant factors was the impact of disease and war.

To get a deeper understanding of the weakening of the Inca empire, you can look into historical sources, books, and scholarly articles related to the topic. Some recommended books on the subject include "The Last Days of the Incas" by Kim MacQuarrie and "1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus" by Charles C. Mann.

1. Disease: The arrival of the Spanish colonizers brought with them a variety of diseases, particularly smallpox, to which the indigenous people of the Americas had no immunity. The diseases ravaged the Inca population, causing widespread illness and death. It is estimated that these diseases significantly reduced the population of the Inca empire, leading to social and political instability.

2. War: Prior to the Spanish arrival, the Inca empire faced internal rebellions and regional unrest. The empire was experiencing internal conflicts and power struggles among various noble families, which weakened their unity and ability to resist external threats. These internal divisions made them vulnerable to attacks from outside forces.

Additionally, despite their advanced military techniques and organization, the Inca empire was not prepared for the tactics and technology brought by Spanish conquistadors. The Spanish had superior weapons, such as guns and cannons, and their military strategies gave them a significant advantage in battles.

It is important to explore multiple sources and perspectives to develop a comprehensive understanding of historical events. Consulting academic sources, reputable historical websites, and visiting museums or educational exhibits can provide further insight into the factors that weakened the Inca empire.