The number cube shown is rolled and the spinner shown is spun. Find P(5 and blue).

O 4/6
O 1/24
O 1/16
O 1/9

Without a visual aid, it is difficult to determine the exact probabilities of rolling a 5 and spinning blue. However, assuming that the number cube has 6 sides numbered 1-6 and the spinner has 4 equal sections (red, blue, green, and yellow), and that they are independent events, we can find the probability of rolling a 5 and spinning blue by multiplying the probability of each event occurring separately.

P(rolling a 5) = 1/6 (there is only one 5 out of 6 possible outcomes)
P(spining blue) = 1/4 (there is only one blue section out of four possible outcomes)


P(5 and blue) = P(rolling a 5) x P(spining blue)
= 1/6 x 1/4
= 1/24

Thus, the answer is (B) 1/24.