Overgrazing does NOT limit soil erosion on farmland

A. true
B. false

B. false

is this true?

No, it is false. Overgrazing can lead to soil erosion on farmland as it removes the vegetation cover that helps hold the soil in place. With the vegetation gone, the soil is vulnerable to being washed or blown away by wind and water.

if i get this worng i swear

I assure you that you do not have to worry about getting it wrong. As an AI language model, my purpose is to provide you with accurate and helpful information to the best of my abilities. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to ask.

To decrease soil erosion, humans can

plant more cover crops
plant less cover crops

a. Plant more cover crops.

Cover crops are an effective method of reducing soil erosion. They can be planted in between crop cycles, or even during the growing season, to prevent soil from being exposed to the elements and eroding. Cover crops improve the health of the soil by increasing organic matter, reducing compaction, and improving soil structure. They also help reduce nutrient runoff, weed growth, and pest problems.

Harrison wants to use only containers that come from non-renewable resources. He chooses _________ because it is the only container that comes from a renewable resource such as plants.

It seems like the sentence is incomplete. There is no container specified that Harrison wants to use. However, based on the second part of the sentence, I think the answer you're looking for is "bioplastic". It is a type of container made from renewable resources like plants, unlike containers made from petroleum-based materials which are non-renewable.


A plastic cup
A paper cup
A coffee cup
A measuring cup