1. What new technologies did many people buy during the Roaring Twenties? Select all that apply. (2 points)

farm machines
home appliances
Model-T Ford Production, 1910–1926
Production Year Number of Model Ts Built
1910 19,050
1912 68,773
1914 202,667
1916 501,462
1918 664,076
1920 941,042
1922 1,301,067
1924 1,922,048
Use the chart to answer the question.
2. The data in the chart supports what conclusion about the early 1920s? (1 point)
Consumer spending increased.
More families drove to work.
New technologies provided more jobs.
The automobile industry grew.
3. What was the main goal of the women’s suffrage movement? (1 point)
to enable women to serve in government and the military
to guarantee women equal pay for equal work
to protect women’s right to join labor unions
to secure for women the right to vote
4. What effects did Prohibition laws have in Washington? Select all that apply. (2 points)
encouraged other progressive reforms
led to establishment of speakeasies
spurred growth of bootlegging
undermined women’s suffrage movement
weakened influence of gangsters
5. How did the Immigration Act of 1924 reflect rising intolerance toward Japanese immigrants? (1 point)
It forbade any future immigrants from becoming citizens.
It barred admission of some immigrants under the Asian Exclusion Act.
It restricted immigrants from certain countries to low-paying jobs.
It used the Alien Land Law to bar the children of immigrants from inheriting land.

1. radios, home appliances

2. The automobile industry grew.
3. to secure for women the right to vote
4. led to establishment of speakeasies, spurred growth of bootlegging
5. It barred admission of some immigrants under the Asian Exclusion Act.