Which policy did Mikhail Gorbachev implement to help improve the Soviet Union’s economy?

A. glasnost
B. perestroika
C. presidential elections
D. military improvements

B. perestroika

What was the significance of the formation in 1955 of the Southeast-Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)?

A. Its formation was part of the Soviet Union's strategy to contain Western power by forming alliances.
B. Its formation was part of both the American and Soviet pursuit of détente.
C. Its formation was part of the United States’ strategy to contain Soviet power by forming alliances.
D. Its formation was part of the United States’ plan to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.

C. Its formation was part of the United States’ strategy to contain Soviet power by forming alliances.

The policy that Mikhail Gorbachev implemented to help improve the Soviet Union’s economy was 'perestroika'. To arrive at this answer, one can understand the different policies introduced by Gorbachev during his tenure and evaluate their impact on the economy.

First, we can eliminate options C and D - presidential elections and military improvements - as they were not directly related to economic reform.

Next, we consider option A, 'glasnost', which refers to the policy of increased openness and transparency. While this policy aimed to improve political and social liberties and reduce censorship, it did not specifically address the economic challenges faced by the Soviet Union.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B, 'perestroika'. This policy focused on restructuring and reforming the Soviet economy, shifting towards elements of a market-oriented system. It involved decentralization, allowing individual enterprises to have more autonomy, and encouraging private ownership and foreign investment. The goal was to stimulate economic growth, increase efficiency, and modernize industries.