Georgia Connections Academy is selling tickets to its Spring Fling. Adult tickets cost $4 and student tickets cost $2.50. The school makes $2,820. Write an equation that represents this situation to find the cost of all adult and student tickets sold. Use the variable s for student tickets and a for adult tickets sold.


900 tickets are sold for the spring fling. Write an equation to represent this situation.


Use the above systems of equations to determine how many adult and student tickets were sold.

___ Adult tickets and ___ Student tickets

1. 4a + 2.5s = 2820

2. a + s = 900

To solve for the number of adult and student tickets sold, we can use substitution or elimination. Let's use elimination:

Multiply equation 2 by 4 to get 4a + 4s = 3600

Now we can subtract equation 1 from equation 2:
4a + 4s = 3600
-(4a + 2.5s = 2820)
1.5s = 780
s = 520

Now we can substitute s = 520 into equation 2 to solve for a:
a + 520 = 900
a = 380

Therefore, 380 adult tickets and 520 student tickets were sold.