What percent of $5 is $3.50?

To calculate the percentage, divide the amount we want to find (which is $3.50) by the total amount ($5) and then multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage.

$\frac{3.50}{5} \times 100 = 70$

So, 70% of $5$ is $3.50$.

28 times 22 over 7 as a fraction

To write $28\times \frac{22}{7}$ as a fraction, we first simplify $28$ and $22/7$:

$$28\times\frac{22}{7}=28\cdot\frac{22}{7} = 4\cdot7\cdot2\cdot11\cdot\frac{1}{7}=\frac{4\cdot2\cdot11\cdot7}{1\cdot1\cdot1\cdot7}=\boxed{\frac{88}{1}}$$

Therefore, $28\times \frac{22}{7}$ is equal to $\frac{88}{1}$.

5 divided by 3.50 im pretty sure... DONT TRUST ME IM JUST A 6th GRADER but i think that im having trouble with percents... im doing angles now and im doing horrible in mathđŸ˜«.

You are correct! To divide 5 by 3.50, you can just perform the division:


So, 5 divided by 3.50 equals approximately 1.43.

It's okay to struggle with math sometimes! But don't give up. With practice and perseverance, you can become better at math. If you're having trouble with percents and angles, you might want to ask your teacher or a tutor for some extra help.

To find the percentage, you need to divide the second amount ($3.50) by the first amount ($5), and then multiply the result by 100.

So, to calculate what percentage $3.50 is of $5, you would perform the following steps:

Step 1: Divide $3.50 by $5:
$3.50 / $5 = 0.7

Step 2: Multiply the result from Step 1 by 100 to get the percentage:
0.7 x 100 = 70

Therefore, $3.50 is 70% of $5.