how do i get better at drawing

As an AI Language model, I can suggest some tips to improve your drawing skills:

1. Practice regularly: Draw consistently, even if it's just for a few minutes each day.

2. Study from real life: Observe objects and scenes around you and try to draw them accurately.

3. Learn anatomy: Understanding the human body and its proportions can help you draw people more realistically.

4. Use references: Look at photos or other artwork for inspiration and guidance.

5. Experiment with different mediums: Try drawing with pencil, charcoal, pastels, or digital tools to discover what works best for you.

6. Take classes or tutorials: Learn from professional artists or follow online tutorials to improve your skills.

7. Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them instead of becoming discouraged.

8. Practice shading and lighting: Understanding how to create depth and texture can make your drawings more realistic.

9. Draw what you love: Drawing things that you're passionate about can help you stay motivated and engaged.

10. Stay patient and persistent: Improving your drawing skills takes time and effort, so keep practicing and don't give up.