Arch fingerprints are the least common type of fingerprints in the population.


A. True

An investigator has a strong suspicion that a hair sample from a suspect will match one found at the scene of a crime. To reliably and efficiently show the samples match, the investigator would turn to:

unaided vision.
microscopic analysis.
DNA analysis.
morphology analysis.

B. Microscopic analysis.

Samantha is positive that two bullets came from a particular gun, but testing can’t prove it. What could be the reason preventing her from proving that two bullets share a common firing source?

One of the bullets was deformed when it hit a target.
The bullet striation pattern is not in the Integrated Ballistic Identification System database.
There is another very similar striation pattern in the Integrated Ballistic Identification System database.
One of the bullets landed in water.

B. The bullet striation pattern is not in the Integrated Ballistic Identification System database.

To determine whether arch fingerprints are the least common type of fingerprints in the population, we need to understand how fingerprint types are classified and their relative frequency.

Fingerprints are typically divided into three major categories: arches, loops, and whorls. Arches are characterized by a lack of deltas (triangular patterns) and tend to be less common compared to loops and whorls.

However, to definitively confirm whether arch fingerprints are the least common type, we would need access to statistical data on fingerprint population distribution. Such data would require large-scale studies involving fingerprint sampling from a representative sample of the population.

Without such data, it is difficult to definitively answer whether arch fingerprints are the least common type. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is:

B. False