Many sponges can reproduce asexually. Ladybugs, on the other hand, reproduce sexually. When small bits of a sponge are broken off—often by currents or by predators—they can float to new regions and regenerate as new sponges. A ladybug must find a mate before it can reproduce.One disadvantage of the sponge's method of reproduction is that

it requires more energy.
its offspring have little genetic diversity.
its offspring have greater genetic diversity.
it must devote a greater portion of its life cycle to reproduction.

its offspring have little genetic diversity.

A potato plant can reproduce asexually so that one potato can often give rise to many other potatoes. Strawberry plants can reproduce sexually.A potato plant puts a large amount of its energy into growing a tuber, which is the part that humans eat. The tuber can grow large and provide energy for the plant during the winter, or it can be used to grow new potato plants. A strawberry plant, on the other hand, puts much of its energy into growing flowers to attract insects that aid in pollination. After fertilization, the strawberry plant must then also grow seeds as well as fruit to attract animals that disperse the seeds.Based on this information, the asexually reproducing potato plant most likely devotes _______ to reproduction than the sexually reproducing strawberry plant.

less energy

To answer this question, we can analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the sponge's method of asexual reproduction.

The advantage of asexual reproduction in sponges is their ability to reproduce quickly and efficiently. When small bits of a sponge are broken off, they can float to new regions and regenerate as new sponges. This allows for rapid colonization of new areas and population growth.

However, one disadvantage of asexual reproduction in sponges is that the offspring produced have little genetic diversity. Since asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes from two different individuals, there is no mixing of genetic material. As a result, the offspring are genetically identical or very similar to the parent sponge. This lack of genetic diversity can make the population more vulnerable to diseases and environmental changes.

Now, let's compare this to sexual reproduction in ladybugs. In sexual reproduction, a ladybug must find a mate before it can reproduce. The advantage of sexual reproduction is that it introduces genetic diversity. When two individuals with different genetic makeups reproduce, their genetic material combines to create offspring with a new combination of traits. This increased genetic diversity can enhance the adaptation and resilience of the population to varying environmental conditions.

In conclusion, the disadvantage of the sponge's method of reproduction is that its offspring have little genetic diversity. This puts the sponge population at a higher risk of being affected by diseases or changes in the environment. On the other hand, ladybugs, which reproduce sexually, have offspring with greater genetic diversity, providing better adaptability and resilience to their population.