Some redwood trees reproduce both sexually and asexually. Once a tree reaches maturity, it can reproduce with another tree through pollination and fertilization. The tree then disperses thousands of seeds so that some of them might take root. However, a tree can also reproduce asexually. If it falls down, several smaller trees can sprout from its trunk without the need of fertilization.Why is it advantageous for a redwood to reproduce sexually when it could reproduce asexually instead?

It reduces the need to find a mate.
It increases the energy needed to reproduce.
It increases the genetic diversity of the tree's offspring.
It decreases the time needed to reproduce.

It increases the genetic diversity of the tree's offspring.

_______ provide evidence that living things evolved from earlier species.

Historical fictions
Videos of dinosaurs


Which of the following is an example of natural selection?

Pesticides are sprayed in a field, resulting in an increase in crop growth and a decrease in insect population.
Cricket frogs prefer to sleep during the day, while red-eyed tree frogs prefer to sleep during the night.
To produce a more desirable fruit, a farmer crosses a tree that produces sweet oranges with a tree that produces large oranges.
Rabbits with a mutation for longer, thicker fur survive an unusually cold winter, while many normal rabbits do not survive.

Rabbits with a mutation for longer, thicker fur survive an unusually cold winter, while many normal rabbits do not survive.

Evolution is a

theory because it is an explanation that is supported by extensive observations, experimentation, and reasoning.
prediction because it makes an educated guess about events that will occur in the future
variable because it is a factor that can be changed during experimentation.
law because it has been proven without exception under certain stated conditions.

Theory because it is an explanation that is supported by extensive observations, experimentation, and reasoning.

Diagram 1 shows the fossilized remains of the lower portion of a camel's leg. Each subsequent diagram shows the same portion of a camel's leg, but the diagrams are from progressively later time periods. Diagram 4 shows the most recent fossil. These diagrams demonstrate

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how fossil evidence cannot be used to support evolution.
that all living organisms have increased in size over time.
how fossil evidence can be used to show the evolution of a species over time.
that modern camels have more toes than earlier species of camels.

How fossil evidence can be used to show the evolution of a species over time.

There are approximately 200 species of mice that live all over the world. Deer mice are a particular species of mice that prefer to live in forests, prairies, and fields. It has been observed that deer mice that live in trees tend to have longer tails because they use their tails for balance. Deer mice that live in prairies and fields tend to have shorter tails so they are less likely to be caught when running away from predators. If a forest fire occurred in an ecosystem eliminating the majority of the trees and short-tailed mice are naturally selected over long-tailed mice, the evolution of the mice can be primarily attributed to

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genetic engineering.
selective breeding.
environmental factors.
human impact.