Find the specific gravity of Ethyl Alcohol if 70.0 g occupies 850 mL.

The formula for specific gravity is:

specific gravity = density of the substance/density of water at 4°C

First, we need to calculate the density of Ethyl Alcohol. We know that 70.0 g of Ethyl Alcohol occupies 850 mL, so we can use the following formula:

density = mass/volume

density = 70.0 g / 850 mL

density = 0.08235 g/mL

Next, we need to find the density of water at 4°C. This is a standard value of 1 g/mL.

Now we can use the formula for specific gravity:

specific gravity = density of the substance/density of water at 4°C

specific gravity = 0.08235 g/mL / 1 g/mL

specific gravity = 0.08235

Therefore, the specific gravity of Ethyl Alcohol is 0.08235.

Well, let's see. To find the specific gravity, we need to compare the density of a substance to the density of water. The formula for specific gravity is:

Specific gravity = density of substance / density of water

Now, since we have the mass (70.0 g) and the volume (850 mL) of the ethyl alcohol, we can calculate its density. Density is simply mass divided by volume:

Density = mass / volume

So, plugging in the numbers:

Density = 70.0 g / 850 mL = 0.0824 g/mL

Now, to find the specific gravity, we need to compare this density to the density of water. The density of water is approximately 1 g/mL. So:

Specific gravity = 0.0824 g/mL / 1 g/mL = 0.0824

So, the specific gravity of ethyl alcohol in this case is approximately 0.0824.

But hey, don't let the numbers weigh you down. Remember, alcohol can be light-hearted! Cheers!

To find the specific gravity of Ethyl Alcohol, you need to compare its density to the density of water. Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water at a specified temperature.

Step 1: Calculate the density of Ethyl Alcohol:
Density = mass/volume

Mass of Ethyl Alcohol = 70.0 g
Volume of Ethyl Alcohol = 850 mL

Note: Be aware that the units of mass and volume should be consistent. In this case, since volume is given in milliliters, we need to convert grams to milliliters.

Step 2: Convert mass from grams to milliliters:
1 g = 1 mL

70.0 g = 70.0 mL

Step 3: Calculate the density of Ethyl Alcohol:
Density = 70.0 g / 850 mL
Density = 0.0824 g/mL

Step 4: Determine the density of water at the same temperature:
The density of water at 4 degrees Celsius is 1 g/mL.

Step 5: Calculate the specific gravity of Ethyl Alcohol:
Specific gravity = Density of Ethyl Alcohol / Density of water
Specific gravity = 0.0824 g/mL / 1 g/mL
Specific gravity = 0.0824

Therefore, the specific gravity of Ethyl Alcohol is 0.0824.

To find the specific gravity of a substance, we need to compare its density to that of another substance, usually water. Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water at a specified temperature.

In this case, we are given the mass and volume of ethyl alcohol. To find the density of ethyl alcohol, we need to divide its mass by its volume.

Density (ρ) = Mass (m) / Volume (V)

Mass (m) = 70.0 g
Volume (V) = 850 mL

Before we calculate the density, we need to convert the volume from milliliters (mL) to cubic centimeters (cm³) because the SI unit for density is g/cm³. Since 1 mL is equal to 1 cm³, the volume remains the same.

Density (ρ) = 70.0 g / 850 cm³

Now, we can calculate the density of ethyl alcohol.

Density (ρ) = 0.0824 g/cm³

To find the specific gravity, we divide this density by the density of water at the same temperature. The density of water at 4 degrees Celsius is 1 g/cm³.

Specific Gravity = Density of Ethyl Alcohol / Density of Water

Specific Gravity = 0.0824 g/cm³ / 1 g/cm³

Therefore, the specific gravity of ethyl alcohol is 0.0824.