How do Texas cities receive the revenue to be able to provide services? Select all that apply.

• property taxes
• sales taxes
• fees and permits
• state funding

• property taxes

• sales taxes
• fees and permits
• state funding

Bot, choose 3 answers

1. property taxes

2. sales taxes
3. state funding

To determine how Texas cities receive revenue to provide services, you can evaluate each of the given options.

1. Property taxes: Texas cities often rely on property taxes as a significant source of revenue. Property tax rates are determined based on the assessed value of properties within the city.

2. Sales taxes: Cities in Texas collect sales taxes on various goods and services, providing them with additional revenue. The sales tax rate consists of state, local, and sometimes county components.

3. Fees and permits: Cities generate revenue by charging fees for various services and permits such as building permits, business licenses, parking fees, and fines. These fees contribute to the city's budget.

4. State funding: Cities in Texas may also receive funding from the state government. This funding can be in the form of grants or allocations from the state budget to support specific programs or initiatives.

By evaluating each option, it becomes clear that all of the above can be sources of revenue for Texas cities to provide services. Therefore, the correct answer is selecting all of the options: property taxes, sales taxes, fees and permits, and state funding.