Which phrase BEST describes investigative work in the era BEFORE crime databases?


A. isolated

A. isolated

To determine the best phrase that describes investigative work in the era before crime databases, it is important to understand the characteristics and methods of investigation during that time.

Before the advent of crime databases, investigative work relied heavily on manual processes and traditional investigative techniques. The absence of comprehensive databases made information gathering and cross-referencing more challenging and time-consuming.

A. Isolated: This phrase does not accurately depict investigative work in the era before crime databases. Investigators during this time relied on collaboration with colleagues, eyewitness accounts, and manual record-keeping to solve cases. While individual investigators may have operated independently, collaboration and sharing of information were still an essential part of the investigative process.

B. Systematized: This phrase is closer to describing investigative work in the era before crime databases. However, it does not fully capture the challenges faced due to the lack of centralized databases. Investigations were systematized to the extent possible, with investigators following established procedures and protocols, but the lack of a comprehensive database limited the ability to efficiently organize and access information.

C. Efficient: This phrase is not the best choice to describe investigative work in the era before crime databases. Due to the limited availability of information and the lack of a centralized database, investigations often required significant time and effort to gather and analyze relevant data. Efficiency was hindered by the absence of instant access to comprehensive information.

D. Accurate: This phrase does not adequately describe investigative work in the era before crime databases. While accuracy was certainly a goal for investigators, the manual nature of the investigation process and the limitations of information availability made it more challenging to ensure accuracy.

In summary, the phrase that best describes investigative work in the era before crime databases would be B. Systematized, as it captures the efforts made to establish protocols and procedures despite the limitations imposed by the lack of comprehensive databases.