What an essay about animal

Animal: Our Silent Co-habitat

Animals share an essential attribute with humans - life. They are also sensitive, intelligent, and aware of their surroundings. Ironically, where humans have thrived in building modern civilizations, it has propelled animals to the edge of extinction. The earth is our shared habitat, and we should presume that we must protect the animals that share it with us. This essay will explore the significance of animals in our lives and the importance of preserving them.

Animals have been with us from the beginning. From the domestication of dogs to the use of horses for transportation, animals have played a central role in our civilization's growth. Throughout history, animals have been a source of food, clothing, and warmth. We have even been fascinated by their beauty, leading us to create art and literature which has revolved around them. In our daily lives, we encounter animals in numerous ways, from owning pets, visiting zoos, and seeing them in nature.

However, as the human population has grown, we have become increasingly disconnected with the natural world. For many people, animals are now associated with harmful practices, such as factory farming and medical testing. Through these activities, we have caused many animals to suffer, and we have disrupted entire ecosystems. It has led to many species becoming endangered, and some have already become extinct.

The extinction of species represents a devastating loss of the planet's genetic diversity. It is a loss that is directly linked to human activities like pollution, deforestation, and climate change. These changes have adversely affected many species, leaving them with little to no space to live, no food to eat and nowhere to migrate. It is essential that we understand that when we destroy their habitat or modify food chains and water sources, we are disturbing the balance of nature. It is a balance that has taken millions of years to develop and maintain, and we must strive to preserve it.

Conservation programs and awareness campaigns have been launched worldwide to conserve and protect the animals from the extinction. It has resulted in significant gains, such as the revival of the population of some endangered species, such as the giant panda, the black rhinoceros and the California condor.

However, it is still not enough. We have to acknowledge that human activities are the leading cause of animal extinction. We should strive to limit our impact on the planet, by reducing pollution, using natural resources efficiently and conserving our planet's biodiversity. Such steps will promote a healthy ecosystem and help to preserve the animals that are so essential to our lives.

In conclusion, animals are an essential part of our society and the shared habitat we call earth. They provide us with food, clothing, shelter and have always been a source of inspiration. They are sensitive, intelligent beings worthy of respect, dignity and compassion. Therefore, we must take care of the animals around us, and we must ensure they have the best conditions to thrive. We must strive to protect them against extinction and work towards creating a healthy and sustainable ecosystem. Let us be the voice for those who cannot speak and ensure that our co-habitat remains viable.