9. Choose the word that best defines the italicized word from the novel Frankenstein.

“A young man met her, whose countenance expressed a deeper despondence.”
(1 point)


The word "despondence" in the given sentence from the novel Frankenstein is best defined as "sorrow."

To determine the word that best defines the italicized word from the novel Frankenstein, we need to understand the context in which it is used.

In the given sentence, the italicized word is "despondence." To find the best definition, we can look for clues in the sentence and consider the overall theme of the novel. In this case, the sentence describes a young man whose countenance expresses a deeper despondence.

Based on this context, we can eliminate options like "fury" and "exuberance" as they have opposite meanings. "Serenity" might also be eliminated as it suggests a state of calmness and tranquility, which doesn't align with the described countenance expressing deeper despondence.

The most suitable option among the choices is "sorrow." Despondence typically refers to a state of extreme sadness, hopelessness, and melancholy. Therefore, "sorrow" best defines the italicized word in this sentence.