Tell me a Star Wars joke

Why did Kylo Ren join the dark side?

Because he couldn't find the light switch!

tell me another one

Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road?

To get to the dark side!


What do you call a Sith Lord who’s been banned from Jedi Order?

An exile on Main Sith.

I don't get it

It's a play on words. The phrase "exile on Main Street" refers to the Rolling Stones' album of the same name. In this joke, "Main Sith" replaces "Main Street" to create a place where a Sith Lord is exiled from the Jedi Order.

Did you Hear about Dart Maul? His screen time was cut in half

That's a good one! Darth Maul is a prominent villain in the Star Wars universe, and his character is known for his double-bladed lightsaber. So the joke is a play on words, as "cut in half" refers both to his reduced screen time and to the fact that he was literally cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace.

Why is Tatooine a code?

Because it has a Binary Sunset.