In asexual reproduction, DNA from the parent cell ___ before it produces daughter cells. an example of asexual reproduction is binary fission of amoeba. During binary fission, one cell reproduces into ___ cell(s).

In asexual reproduction, DNA from the parent cell is copied (replicated) before it produces daughter cells. An example of asexual reproduction is binary fission of amoeba. During binary fission, one cell reproduces into two identical daughter cells.

___ mutations occur when a mutation in a DNA region results in the same sequence as the original.

Silent mutations occur when a mutation in a DNA region results in the same sequence as the original. These mutations do not produce a change in the corresponding protein because they do not affect the amino acid sequence of the protein's polypeptide chain. Silent mutations occur in the third nucleotide position of a codon, where genetic code degeneracy allows for multiple codons to code for the same amino acid.

Sexual reproduction promotes genetic variation, while asexual reproduction does not.

True or false


The form of reproduction in which the offspring grow specifically from the stem or root of the plant is called ___

The form of reproduction in which the offspring grow specifically from the stem or root of the plant is called vegetative reproduction. It does not involve the fusion of gametes or the use of seeds. Examples of vegetative reproduction include the formation of plantlets on the edges of leaves in some succulents, runners in strawberries, and bulbs in some plants like onions and garlic.

What is the main benefit of genetic biodiversity?

The main benefit of genetic biodiversity is that it increases the ability of a population or a species to adapt to changing environmental conditions or challenges such as diseases, pests, and climate change. A genetically diverse population has a higher chance of containing individuals that possess traits that allow them to cope better with adverse conditions, thereby increasing their chances of survival and reproduction. Genetic diversity also provides the potential for evolutionary change, as new mutations can arise and be selected for within a diverse population. Overall, genetic biodiversity enhances the resilience and long-term viability of populations and ecosystems, and contributes to the stability of the biosphere.

In asexual reproduction, DNA from the parent cell duplicates before it produces daughter cells. An example of asexual reproduction is binary fission of amoeba. During binary fission, one cell reproduces into two identical daughter cells.

To understand why DNA duplicates before cell reproduction in asexual reproduction, we can look at the process of binary fission in amoeba as an example. Binary fission is the division of a single cell into two identical cells. Here is a step-by-step explanation of binary fission:

1. Prior to division, the DNA in the parent amoeba cell duplicates. This duplication process is called DNA replication. Each chromosome in the parent cell's genome is copied, resulting in two identical sets of genetic information.

2. The parent cell elongates and prepares to divide into two daughter cells. The duplicated DNA strands are now attached to the cell membrane at separate points.

3. The cell membrane starts to grow inward, dividing the cell into two halves. The two sets of duplicated chromosomes move towards the opposite ends of the cell.

4. The cell membrane continues to close in until two distinct daughter cells are formed. Each daughter cell contains one set of the duplicated chromosomes and other necessary cellular structures.

By duplicating the DNA, each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information from the parent cell, ensuring the formation of genetically identical offspring. This process of DNA replication and subsequent cell division allows a single parent cell to produce multiple identical offspring in asexual reproduction.