How to remember what you have read before an exam

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experience or memories. But here are some tips to help you remember what you have read before an exam:

1. Take effective notes while reading: Highlight or underline important phrases or concepts in your textbook or notes. Summarize the main ideas in your own words to ensure you understand them.

2. Use visuals: Create mind maps or diagrams to organize information visually. It helps in remembering and comprehending the material.

3. Quiz yourself: Break the information down into headings or categories and create questions to test your knowledge. Practice answering these questions until you can recall them easily.

4. Use mnemonic devices: Use acronyms or catchy phrases to help you remember key information.

5. Use repetition: Repeat the information out loud or write it down multiple times to commit it to memory.

6. Apply it: Try to apply the concepts you’ve learned by completing practice problems or answering essay questions.

7. Take breaks: Take breaks after a certain amount of time. Research has shown that taking breaks for energy refreshment increases your productivity and can help make your memory more vivid and quick.

Remember, it is essential to start studying early. Cramming the night before is not a strategy for success. With enough practice and techniques, you'll nail the exam with high scores.